Personal Info

General information

The aim of the “Webinar on Trade Secrets” is to improve awareness among IP authorities and public and private stakeholders on the importance of trade secrets and the need to improve their protection. The webinar will feature the litigation trends involving trade secrets in the European Union and the protection of trade secrets in South-East Asia.


You can find the agenda here.

Personal details

It will be used to contact you in case of any technical problem during the virtual meeting


This event is linked to the network activities of EUIPO International Cooperation Service.

This processing operation is subject to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data. The information in this communication is given pursuant to Articles 15 and 16 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

For further information please download the privacy statement.

The event for which you are registering will take place in a virtual environment. For this purpose, you will be invited to use Zoom videoconferencing platform which permits specific features required for this virtual event. For detailed information regarding the processing of your data in Zoom, please, consult privacy statement.

Please kindly note that this event will be recorded for minute-taking purposes by the IP KEY SEA project. By submitting your registration, you agree to these terms.

Conditions of use

The users participating in a virtual event organized by EUIPO through Zoom agree to:

  • ensure confidentiality of the credentials (event ID, password and user name) they have received from EUIPO in order to participate in the virtual event;
  • immediately notify EUIPO in the event that the aforementioned credentials are lost or stolen or if they become aware of any unauthorized use of those data or any other breach of security that may affect the virtual event;
  • respect confidentiality of information and take the necessary precaution when sharing such information;
  • accept the information security risk arising from the use of the video conferencing services during the virtual event organized through Zoom;
  • accept that EUIPO is not liable for any loss or damage caused as a result of the use of Zoom, including any damage caused to third parties, during or as a consequence of the use of Zoom in the event;
  • assume responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and relevance of all information they disclose when participating in the virtual event;
  • not use the virtual event to transmit any content that is unlawful or contains software virus or similar harmful components;
  • accept that EUIPO waives any liability for any unlawful use of materials uploaded by the users or any other third party in the platform;
  • hold EUIPO harmless with regard to any connection problem that users may encounter with the platform and which is not directly attributable to EUIPO.